
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marco Chiarini from University of Teramo (Italy) is coming to the Institute of Chemistry for an Erasmus+ teaching visit. The research activity of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Marco Chiarini is in the field of supramolecular and organometallic chemistry. He is author and co-author of more than 82 papers published in international journals (H-index 26).

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amt2024 invitation
Dear Colleagues,
It will be a pleasure for us to meet you at the 26th International Conference-School “Advanced Materials and Technologies”, which will be held on August 26-30, 2024 in Palanga, Lithuania.
The Conference is organized by Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuanian Materials Research Society, Vilnius University, University of Latvia, Riga Technical University, University of Tartu, Center for Physical Sciences and Technology, University of Southern Denmark, and Applied Research Institute for Prospective Technologies.
Topics and areas covered by the Conference-School are:
  • Methods of surface analysis;
  • Surface engineering and nanostructures;
  • Electronic and optical materials;
  • Ceramics;
  • Polymers and composites;
  • Advanced engineering materials;
  • Materials for energy.
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Call for applications for a Postdoctoral Research Associate working under the topic “Synthesis and Investigation of Porous Calcium Phosphate Coatings with Enhanced Pore Interconnectivity and Antibacterial Activity for Implant Application”, at the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences, Vilnius University, is now open.


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nuotrauka skelbimui

Ministry of Education, Science and Sport invites the most talented students of Lithuanian higher education institutions to apply for Nominal Scholarships of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania Antanas Smetona, Kazys Grinius, Aleksandras Stulginskis, Jonas Žemaitis, Algirdas Brazauskas (hereinafter – the Scholarship).

The scholarship is awarded to talented, outstanding students of undergraduate, graduate, and integrated studies for excellent studies results and participating in scientific research and social activities.

The scholarship is awarded for one academic year:

  • The Scholarship of 275 Eur per month for III-IV year students of undergraduate and integrated studies;
  • The Scholarship of 385 Eur per month for the second-year graduate students and V-VI year students of integrated studies.

You can apply for the Scholarship is you are currently studying at:

  • II and III year of undergraduate studies;
  • II-V year of integrated studies (except for the final integrated course);
  • 1st year of graduate studies.

Students who qualify for the Scholarship until April 14th must fill in the “Free Form Application” in the Study information system of Vilnius University and submit the following documents:

  • the completed application form for candidates, for receiving Nominal scholarships of the Presidents of the Republic of Lithuania, for study results, scientific and / or artistic activities;
  • copies of published research papers, papers delivered at conferences or other documents proving scientific and social activity.

The Academic Core Unit, taking into account excellent study results, scientific activity results, student’s participation in competitions, expeditions, research practice projects, published scientific and other papers, will select candidates and submit all relevant documents to the Department of Study Administration until April 19th. The commission formed by the University will draw up the list of candidates for Vilnius University until April 29th. Selected candidates will be informed by email provided by Vilnius University until April 30th.

From April 30th until May 6th Candidates selected by the University will be required to submit their applications and documents in digital format at the address specified by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences: During registration, you will need to fill out an electronic application and upload the following documents in PDF or ZIP files:

  • Transcript of academic record of the last two semesters.
  • an evaluation of studies, scientific and / or artistic activities, signed by the head of the Academic Core Unit;
  • copies of research papers, reports, certificates.

Should you have any questions, please contact your Academic Core Unit or Berta Satkevičiūtė, Coordinator of Financial Support for Students at the Department of Study Administration by email .




startbio 1 en

Researchers, innovators, and their teams operating in the field of life sciences are invited to participate in the unique 7-week entrepreneurship programme StartBIO, during which selected participants will have the opportunity to assess the commercial potential of their research or idea and acquire knowledge and skills important for business development, which will help grow a successful life science start-up. Registration of participants is already underway on the initiative's website, and the programme's activities, which include training, individualised consultations, mentoring and business modelling activities, will start on the 6th of March at the StartBIO Launch event held at the Vilnius University Life Sciences Center.

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We invite you to participate in the exchange  program during Autumn semester of the 2024-2025 academic exchanges!

Choose your country/-ies, university/-ies, and fill in the registration form for the selection.

IMPORTANT! You can apply for several exchange applications at the same time, but you must select your priority!

Registration for Erasmus+ exchange will be open until February 29th midnight

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The list of ERASMUS partners can be found here


ARQUS / Coimbra and bilateral exchange will be open from February 13th until 29th midnight! 

Information about ARQUS / Coimbra can be found here.
Information about bilateral exchange can be found here

Do you have any questions about exchanges?


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The University seeks to develop and ensure an organisational culture that enables everyone to feel safe and accepted, to foster his/her individuality and to realise his/her potential. Each of us has a responsibility not to, through actions and words, contribute to creating a hostile environment for an individual person or a group.

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