Prices of analysis offered by  the Institute of Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences (Vilnius University):






Price, EUR


Field emission scanning electron microscope with Electron Diffraction Spectrometer (EDS) and Electron Backscatter Diffraction (SU70 with EDS and EBSD)

 SEM analysis of surface morphology 

 1 hour


 Sample elemental analysis (EDS and EBSD analysis)

 1 hour



X-ray powder diffractometer (D8 Advanced, Bruker)

 Standard q/2q x-ray scan

 1 hour


 Grazing angle q/2q x-ray scan

 1 hour


 X-ray reflectometry (XRR)

 1 hour


 Texture analysis (phi scan)

 1 hour


 Texture analysis with pole figures

 1 hour


 Phase transition analysis

 1 hour



 Thermal analysis equipment including differential scanning calorimetry and thermogravimetry (Setup includes STA6000 TGA/DSC, Pyris1 TGA ir Clarus 600T GS/MS, Perkin Elmer)

 TGA and DSC thermal analysis

 1 hour



 Synthesis of materials in controlled environment (GP(CONCEPT) T2, Jacomex)

 Work in dry (~1 ppm) oxygen free atmosphere

1 hour



 Scanning electrochemical microscope (SECM-030, SENSOLYTICS)

 Surface analysis using scanning electrochemical microscope

1 hour



Atomic absorption spectrometer with flame atomizer (AAnalyst 800 , PerkinElmer) 

 Quantitative analysis of metals and alloys (AAS) (basic measurement)

1 hour


 Quantitative analysis of metals and alloys (AAS) (advanced measurement)

1 hour



  Atomic absorption spectrometer with flame atomizer (AAnalyst 800 , PerkinElmer)

 Quantitative analysis of metals and alloys (AES) (basic measurement)

1 hour


 Quantitative analysis of metals and alloys (AES) (advanced measurement)

1 hour



 Ultraeffective liquid chromatography with DAD, triple quadrupole, and ion traps MS detectors (1290 Infinity UPLC + 6410 Triple Quad + 500 Ion Trap, Agilent)

 Quantitative analysis of organic compounds, structural investigations

1 hour



  Surface plasmon resonance instrument(ESPRIT, Metrohm Autolab)

 Determination of biomolecular interactions  in thin biological layers and analysis of  electrochemical properties. Basic measurement

1 hour


 Determination of biomolecular interactions  in thin biological layers and analysis of  electrochemical properties. Advanced measurement

1 hour



 Optical microscope (BX51, Olympus):

 Volumetric imaging of marked cells and other transparnet objects

1 hour



 Multi-detector GPC/SEC system (TDA-Max with four detectors, Viscotek)

 Absolute molecular weight, molecular size, distribution, intrinsic viscosity, macromolecular size, molecular conformation

1 hour



  Nanoparticle size and zeta potential measurement system (Nano ZS, Malvern)

  Macromolecules, nano- and micro-particles (hydrodinamic radius)

1 hour



1 hour



 Gas chromatography with flame ionisation and MS detectors (Clarus 580 GC, Clarus 560S MS, PerkinElmer)

 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of organic compounds

1 hour



 Ultraeffective liquid chromatography with PDA and q-TOF MS detectors (Acquity UPLC + microTOF-QII , Waters/Bruker)

 Quantitative analysis of organic compounds, precise determination of molecural weight, structural investigations

 1 hour



   Tensiometer (BP100 and K100/MK2, Kruss GmbH)

 Basic measurement

1 hour


 Intermediate measurement

1 hour 


 Advanced measurement

1 hour



   Scanning near field optical microscopy equipment (Alpha300R, WiTec)

 Analysis of surface structure and morphology   (atomic force microscopy)

1 hour


 Sample chemical composition analysis (Raman microscopy)

1 hour


 Sample near field optical imaging (SNOM)

1 hour



  Spectrophotometer (Cary 5000, Agilent)

 Spectrophotometric transmission analysis

1 hour


 Spectrophotometric reflection analysis 

1 hour



  Spectrofluorimeter (FLS 980, Edinburgh Instruments)

 Spectrophotometric reflection, kinetics, exitation, emission analysis 

1 hour


 Spectrophotometric reflection, kinetics, exitation, emission analysis at controled temperature

1 hour



 Plasma cleaning and polymerisation equipment  (Nano, Diener Electronic)

 Surface cleaning and activation with plasma

1 hour



    Elemental analyzer (Flash 2000 series CHNS-O,analytical balance, Thermo Scientific)

 Determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur content (burning). Single measurement

1 hour


 Determination of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur content (burning). 10 or more measurements

1 measurement


 Determination of oxygen content (pyrolysis). 10 or more measurements

1 measurement


 Determination of oxygen content (pyrolysis). 10 or more measurements

1 measurement



 Mass spectrometer (6230TOF Agilent) with add-ons

  Quantitative analysis of organic compounds, analysis of mixtures with TOF spectrometer (1 measurement)

1 measurement


Determination of accurate molecular mass of organic substance

1 measurement


Analysis of organic substance mixtures

1 measurement
