ecobalt2023illustratsioon hall 768x600

2023 m. spalio 9-11 d. Estijoje, Taline, vyks 23-ioji tarptautinė konferencija „EcoBalt 2023“.

Daugiau informacijos organizatoriai pateikia kreipimesi ir prisegamoje skrajutėje.


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that the 23rd international conference EcoBalt 2023 will be held in Tallinn, Estonia, October 9-11, 2023. EcoBalt 2023 organized by the National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics in Tallinn and University of Tartu, Chair of Analytical Chemistry, aims to serve as a forum for environmental scientists, ecologists, analytical and organic chemists, material scientists, toxicologists, and risk assessors to discuss the current topics related to the environment.

The main conference topics include:

  • Environmental Chemistry
  • Environmental Toxicology
  • Ecology
  • Analytical Chemistry
  • Green and Sustainable Chemistry
  • Implications and applications of nanomaterials

We look forward to seeing you in Tallinn, the European Green Capital 2023!

For more information visit the conference web page:

Siekdami užtikrinti jums teikiamų paslaugų kokybę, Universiteto tinklalapiuose naudojame slapukus. Tęsdami naršymą jūs sutinkate su Vilniaus universiteto slapukų politika. Daugiau informacijos