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Kviečiame į 2021 m. gruodžio 8 d. (trečiadienį) 8:00 val. Chemijos ir geomokslų fakultete vyksiantį nuotolinį mokslinį seminarą.

Pranešimą  tema Synthesis of lanthanide(III) supramolecular charge transfer complexes and their polarizing effects analyzed by spectroscopy and theoretical calculations" skaitys prof. Yoshihiro Koide (Department of Materials and Life Chemistry, Kanagawa University, Japan).

Santrauka: We have prepared a series of lanthanide(III) aqua complexes with infinite stacks of trans-1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)ethylene (bpe). Co-crystallization with an electron acceptor, such as TCNQ, induces electron transfer from bpe, resulting in coloring of the crystal. Furthermore, it was found that bpe ligands aligned parallel around the Ln(III) aqua complex induce polarizing effects in the crystal. This lecture will discuss details of the optical effects observed under microscopes along with the molecular orbital explanation of the coloring effects of the crystal.


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Vilnius University

Time: 2021/December 8   03:45 PM Tokyo

Attend ZOOM meeting

meeting ID: 952 4921 4882

passcode: 433634


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