Vardas, pavardė
Andrej Spiridonov
Profesorius, vyriausiasis mokslo darbuotojas
Interesų / tyrimų tematikos / reikšminiai žodžiai
paleobiologija, evoliucija, makroevoliucija, makroekologija, paleoklimatas, paleokeanografija, stratigrafija, geobiologija, geochemija, matematiniai metodai geologijoje.
Nuoroda į išorinius profilius (ORCID, ResearchGate)
Pagrindinės (visos) publikacijos
- Spiridonov A. , Lovejoy S. 2022. Life rather than climate influences diversity at scales greater than 40 million years. Nature,
- Rinkevičiūtė S., Stankevič R., Radzevičius S., Meidla T. , Garbaras A., and Spiridonov A. 2022. Dynamics of ostracod communities throughout the Mulde/lundgreni event: contrasting patterns of species richness and paleocommunity compositional change. Journal of the Geological Society,volume 179, jgs2021-039
- Spiridonov A , Stankevič R, Gečas T, Brazauskas A, Kaminskas D, Musteikis P, Kaveckas T, Meidla T, Bičkauskas G, Ainsaar L, Radzevičius S. 2020. Ultra-high resolution multivariate record and multiscale causal analysis of Pridoli (late Silurian): implications for global stratigraphy, turnover events, and climate-biota interactions. Gondwana Research,Volume 86, pp. 222-249
- Whittingham M., Radzevičius S, Spiridonov A. 2020. Moving towards a better understanding of iterative evolution: an example from the late Silurian Monograptidae (Graptolithina) of the Baltic Basin. Palaeontology, 63, Part 4, pp. 629–649
- Spiridonov A., Samsonė J, Brazauskas A, Stankevič R, Meidla T, Ainsaar L, Radzevičius S. 2020. Quantifying the community turnover of the uppermost Wenlock and Ludlow (Silurian) conodonts in the Baltic Basin. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, Volume 549, 109128
- Spiridonov A, Balakauskas L, Stankevič R, Kluczynska G, Gedminienė L, Stančikaitė M. 2019. Holocene vegetation patterns in the southern Lithuania indicate astronomical forcing on the millennial and centennial time scales. Scientific Reports, 9, 14711
- Spiridonov A, Kaminskas D, Brazauskas A, Radzevičius S. 2017 . Time hierarchical analysis of the conodont paleocommunities and environmental change before and during the onset of the lower Silurian Mulde bioevent – A preliminary report. Global and Planetary Change, 157, 153-164
- Spiridonov A, Stankevič R, Gečas T, Šilinskas T, Brazauskas A, Meidla T, Ainsaar L, Musteikis M, Radzevičius S. 2017 . Integrated record of Ludlow (Upper Silurian) oceanic geobioevents - coordination of changes in conodont, and brachiopod faunas, and stable isotopes. Gondwana Research, 51, 272–288
- Spiridonov A. 2017. Recurrence and cross recurrence plots reveal the onset of the Mulde event (Silurian) in the abundance data for Baltic conodonts. The Journal of Geology, 125(3), 381 - 398
- Spiridonov A., Brazauskas A., Radzevičius S. 2016. Dynamics of abundance of the mid- to late Pridoli conodonts from the eastern part of the Silurian Baltic Basin: multifractals, state shifts, and oscillations. American Journal of Science, 316(4): 363–400 pp.
Early to middle Paleozoic revolution (with 4 other collaborators) (2012-2015) [90 000 €]
Research Council of Lithuania grant for outstanding PhD students (2013 and 2014) [4100 €]
Lithuanian Academy of Sciences grant (2015-2016) for outstanding young PhDs [2531 €]
Postdoctoral grant for the project “The influence of Solar cycles on vegetation dynamics of the Quaternary Interglacials” (2017-2019) [53 813 €]
Grant for supervised student (Robertas Stankevič) research. 2017. Development of recurrence plot and recurrence quantification analysis tools for the study of mass extinction events [2 000 €]
Grant for supervised student (Liudas Daumantas) research. 2018. Development and application of classification and regression trees for the spatial studies of paleontological material.[~2 839 €]
Grant for Polish-Lithuanian collaboration group (DAINA) project “Ichnological and sedimentological evidence of late glacial and Holocene environmental changes in the eastern part of the European Sand Belt” (2018-2021), principal investigator with 2 other scientists, and 1 student on the Lithuanian side [120 000 €]
Grant for supervised student (Justina Gaižutytė) summer research. 2019. The study of pollen in surface sediments of the lake Imbradas.[~1 878 €].
Ecosystem construction and collapse in the Silurian – survival of biodiversity in the extreme climate (one of 4 project implementers) (2019-2022) [147 310 €].
“The role of spatial structuring in major transitions in macroevolution” (Project leader). In the project there are three more research scientists and one laboratory assistant. (2021-2024) [150 000 €]
Kviestiniai pranešimai
Spiridonov A. 2022. Geodiversity and its effects on the formation of the Biosphere and human cultures. University of Granada, Spain
Spiridonov A., Robertas Stankevič. 2021. Finding a pattern in a wiggle. Searching for synchronization in palaeocommunities in space and time using recurrence theory. At the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK.
Spiridonov A., Robertas Stankevič, Simona Rinkevičiutė, Liudas Daumantas, Tomas Gečas, Sigitas Radzevičius. 2021. Recurrence plots and recurrence quantification analyses generate significant insights about a key paleobiological hypothesis. in Rysak A., Litak G., Marwan N., Webber Ch. (Editors): 9th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots", Lublin, Poland, 37-38 pp.
Spiridonov A. 2021. Recurrence quantification analyses in paleontology. Dynamical systems window into the past. 5th International Meeting of Early-stage Researchers in Palaeontology, ONLINE.
Spiridonov A. 2019. Paleobiology, macroevolution, and macroecology: search for future scenarios travelling through the scales of time and space. Jūros ir krantų tyrimai 2019 Conference, Klaipėda university, Klaipėda.
Spiridonov A. 2018. Solar cycles - some theoretical and practical research considerations. At the Department of Geosciences and Geography University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
Spiridonov A. 2018. Recurrence plots as a dynamical systems window into the paleocommunity evolution, some examples from the Silurian. At the Department of Geosciences and Geography University of Helsinki, Helsinki.
Spiridonov A. Stankevič R., Samsonė J., Brazauskas A., Meidla M., Ainsaar L., Radzevičius S. 2018. Cross recurrence plot analyses of conodont community turnover – a model free, continuous, high-resolution correlation tool. Opening Meeting IGCP 652 - “Reading Time in Paleozoic sedimentary Rock”, Bremen, 12 - 19 September, Program.
Vadovavimas doktorantams, podoktorantūros stažuotojams
Supervisor of the post-doctoral Project by Simona Bekeraitė „Hierarchical evolutionary response to biotic and abiotic factors of terrestrial fauna during Cenozoic: probabilistic determination of causal relations“ [66 499 €]
Darja Dankina 2016-2021 (advisor) - theme “Late Permian Fish from Baltic States and Poland: Taxonomy, Palaeoecology, and Biostratigraphy”
Aija Zans 2017-till now (supervisor) - theme “The impact of Late Ordovician to Silurian bioevents on the community structures of brachiopods in Baltica”
Tomas Gečas 2018-till now (supervisor) - theme “Devonian terrestrialization, conodont extinction events and biotic turnover in Baltica”
Simona Petrukonė 2019-till now (supervisor) - theme “Micro- and macroevolutionary trends in the Silurian Ostracoda in relation to paleoceanographic perturbations in the Silurian Baltic Basin”
Robertas Stankevič 2019-till now (supervisor) - theme “Development and application of dynamical systems approaches for the discovery and description of patterns in macroevolution, paleoecology and stratigraphy”
Liudas Daumantas 2020-till now (supervisor) – theme „Spatial laws of macroevolution and their stability in time and space“.
Dėstomi dalykai
Paleontologija, Sekų stratigrafija, Stratigrafijos ir facijų pažinimo mokomoji praktika Šventojo Kryžiaus kalnuose (Lenkija); topics in paleobiology, topics in macroevolution, analytical paleobiology.
Dalyvavimas komisijoje, komitetuose
geologijos doktorantų priėmimo komisija, bakalaurų ir magistrų gynimo komisijos, doktorantų gynimo komisija; Vilniaus universiteto strateginio vystymosi komitetas (2020, 2021 metai); VIlniaus muziejaus ekspozicijos konsultantas.
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2014 metų Jaunųjų mokslininkų konferencijos BIOATEITIS pirmos vietos laimėtojas už geriausią pranešimą „Konodontų rūšių dinaminės gausumo struktūros ir nišų pobūdžio įtaka išmirimų selektyvumui Ireviken´o (silūro periodas) masinio išmirimo metu“ Biologijos ir Geomokslų sekcijoje.
VU rektoriaus apdovanojimas už išskirtinius mokslinius pasiekimus 2016 metais jaunųjų mokslininkų kategorijoje
Geriausios mokslinės publikacijos fizinių mokslų kryptyje VU apdovanojimas 2018 metais.
VU rektoriaus apdovanojimas už išskirtinius mokslinius pasiekimus 2020 metais jaunųjų mokslininkų kategorijoje