ieva misiune

M. K. Čiurlionio st. 21/27, Vilnius, 212 cab.

Reception time: mondays – by prior arrangement by e-mail.





Field of science: Social science.

Directions of science: Social geography, Management and administration.


  1. Assessment and mapping of urban ecosystem services.
  2. Demand of ecosystem services.
  3. Governance of green infrastructure and ecosystem services.
  4. Global environmental governance and self-regulation.

Disciplines taught to bachelor students:

  1. Urban and agro ecology.
  2. Basics of ecosystem services.

Disciplines taught to master’s students:

  1. Ecosystem services.




Doctoral dissertation: Environmental self-regulation: changes of certified companies in Lithuania.


Monographs or their parts:

  1. Misiūnė, I., Depellegrin, D., Vigl, E. L. (2022). Human-Nature Interactions. Exploring Nature’s Values Across Landscapes.


Publications in peer-reviewed publications:

1) Publications are referenced in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science (CA WOS) / SCOPUS databases:

  1. Misiūnė, I. (2023) Do We Need Different Urban Green Spaces Now? A Case Study of Preferences During PandemicsLand, 12(12). 
  2. Leone, M., Misiūnė, I., Pinto, L. V., Palliwoda, J., Carmen, R., Jacobs, S., Priess, J. A. (2023). Lost in implementation? A field study of the uptake of the ‘green infrastructure’ term and concept in urban policies. Ecosystems and People, 19: 2220831.
  3. Priess, J., Pinto, L. V., Misiūnė, I.; Palliwoda, J. (2021). Ecosystem Service Use and the Motivations for Use in Central Parks in Three European Cities. Land, 10(2): 154.  Urban Studies (in review, manuscript ID: CUS-1204-20-11).
  4. Misiūnė, I., Julian, J.P., Veteikis, D. (2020). Push and pull factors for use of urban green spaces and priorities for their ecosystem services. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 126899.
  5. Carmen, R., Leone, M., Jacobs, S., Palliwoda, J., Priess, J. A., Misiūnė, I., Pinto, L., Pereira, P., Ferreira, C. S. and Ferreira, A. (2020). Keep it real: selecting realistic sets of urban green space indicators. Environmental Research Letters, Vol. 15(9).
  6. Depellegrin, D., Menegon, S., Gusatu, L., Roy, S., & Misiūnė, I. (2020). Assessing marine ecosystem services richness and exposure to anthropogenic threats in small sea areas: A case study for the Lithuanian sea space. Ecological Indicators, 108, 105730.
  7. Misiūnė, I. (2018). Transnational environmental standards in Eastern Europe: an assessment of companies in Lithuania and their adoption motives. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 25:6, 500-508.
  8. Depellegrin, D. A., Pereira, P., Misiūnė, I., Egarter-Vigl, L. (2016). Mapping Ecosystem Services in Lithuania. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology. 23: 441–455.
  9. Pereira, P., Oliva, M., Misiūnė, I. (2016). Spatial interpolation of precipitation indexes in Sierra Nevada (Spain): comparing the performance of some interpolation methods. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 126, 683–698.
  10. Pereira, P., Cerda, A., Jordan, A., Zavala, L., Mataix-Solera, J., Arcenegui, V., Misiūnė, I., Keesstra, S., Novara, A. (2016). Short-term vegetation recovery after a grassland fire in Lithuania: The effects of fire severity, slope position and aspect. Land Degradation and Development. 27: 1523-1534.
  11. Kapačiauskaitė, I. (2011). Environmental Governance in the Baltic Sea Region and the Role of Non-governmental Actors. Proc. Int. Conf. on Regional Environmental Governance (REGov): Interdisciplinary Approaches, Theoretical Issues, Comparative Designs, June 16-18, 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.


2) Other publications in peer-reviewed journals:

  1. Misiūnė, I., Skorupskas, R., Veteikis, D. (2023) Assessment of the ecological-recreational quality of urban green spaces and their indicators using remote sensing data and online sources. Annales Geographicae, 55-56.
  2. Misiūnė, I., Veteikis, D. (2019). Mapping and assessment of urban ecosystem services: capacity in Vilnius city. Annales Geographicae, 52: 23-38.
  3. Misiūnė, I. (2012). Environmental non-governmental certification: adoption, compliance of voluntary standards and their effects for the enterprises. Strategy and Practice of Sustainable Development: Scientific Publications, 2012 No 1 (6). Mykolas Romeris University, p. 48-57.
  4. Kapačiauskaitė, I. (2010). The role of non-governmental actors in global environmental governance. Int. Conf. on The Strategy and the Practice for Sustainable Development, May 27, 2010, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  5. Kapačiauskaitė, I. and Motiekaityte, V. (2009). Changes of the global environmental governance and it’s reflections in EU environmental policy. Int. Conf. on The Strategy and the Practice for Sustainable Development, May 28, 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania.


Presentations at conferences:

  1. Misiūnė, I. (2022). “Measuring human-nature interactions: comprehensive tool for urban green spaces assessment” at 4th ESP Europe Conference “Ecosystem services empowering people and societies in times of crises”, 10-14 October 2022, Heraklion, Greece.
  2. Misiūnė, I. (2022). “Comprehensive tools for urban green spaces assessment: A review of measuring systems” at IALE 2022 European Landscape Ecology Congress “Making the future, learning from the past”, 11-15 July 2022, Warsaw (online), Poland.
  3. Misiūnė, I., D. Veteikis (2019). “Demand for urban ecosystem services through the preferences of the stakeholders” at Ecosystem Services Partnership 10 World Conference, 21-25 October, Hannover, Germany.
  4. Misiūnė, I. (2018). “Governance of ecosystem services: the challenge of stakeholders’ preferences” at annual Conference on Earth System Governance: Governing Global Sustainability in a Complex World, 5-8 November 2018, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
  5. Misiūnė, I. et al. (2018). “LINESAM: Initial results of a Lithuanian National Ecosystem Services Assessment and Mapping project” at ESP Europe: Ecosystem services in a changing world: moving from theory to practice, 15-17 October 2018, San Sebastian, Spain.
  6. Misiūnė, I. (2018). “Demand for urban ecosystem services: A review of the empirical studies and the value of socio-cultural approach” at the 5th Scientific Symposium on Ecosystem Services in Transdisciplinary Approach - ECOSERV 2018, 17-19 September, 2018, Poznan, Poland.
  7. Misiūnė, I. (2016). “The Functioning of Transnational Environmental Standards for Transparency and Traceability in Commodity Chains: Empirical Evidence from Certified Companies in Lithuania” at annual Conference on Earth System Governance: Disclosing Sustainability, 24 and 25 June 2016, Wageningen, The Netherlands.
  8. Misiūnė, I. (2012). “Environmental non-governmental certification: adoption, compliance of voluntary standards and their effects for the enterprises” at the SOCIN 2012 – Social Innovations: Theoretical and Practical Insights. International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference, 25-26 October 2012, MRU, Vilnius, Lithuania.
  9. Misiūnė, I. (2012). “The necessity of organic production regulation: are public ecolabelling schemes better than private ones?” at annual Conference on Earth System Governance: Towards Just and Legitimate Earth System Governance – Addressing Inequalities. 18-20 April 2012, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
  10. Misiūnė, I. (2011). “The necessity and effectiveness of organic production regulations that contribute to maintaining biodiversity” at the SENSE PhD Training School on Earth system governance: the challenge of adaptive governance. 26-29 September 2011, Vrije University, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
  11. Kapačiauskaitė, I. (2010). „Environmental governance in the Baltic Sea Region and the role of non-governmental actors“ at the conference Regional Environmental Governance. 16-18 June 2010, Geneva University, Geneva, Switzerland.


Scientific projects:

  1. 2023 February – 2026 February IMPRESS Improving agrobiodiversity for resilient pest control services across landscapes. Leader of the project team in Lithuania. Funding scheme: FACCE-JPI SusCrop (ERA-NET), grant agreement No. TM-23-1.
  2. 2022 March – 2023 March I-FESMAR – Integrated Framework for Ecosystem Services based analysis of MARitime sectors. Team member. Funding scheme: Researcher Groups projects, Research Council of Lithuania, grant agreement No. S -MIP-22-88.
  3. 2021 September – 2023 September: Postdoctoral project “Quality assessment of urban public green spaces: ecological value and visit attraction”. Funding scheme: Postdoctoral funding call at Research Council of Lithuania, grant agreement No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0174 20.
  4. 2020 October – 2022 December: H2020 BiodiverCities Part 1: Local engagement of citizens in urban nature in Maribor, Novi Sad, Palermo, Valongo, Palma de Mallorca, Sofia, Vilnius, Leiden, Stavanger and Regalbuto. Funding: European Parliament under pilot project 07 02 77 51 ‘Encouraging civil society to share knowledge and best practices in connection with green cities and green urban environments’, expert contract No. CT-EX2020D391999-101.
  5. 2017 March – 2020 February: Leader of the URGBANGAIA (Managing urban Biodiversity and Green Infrastructure to increase city resilience) project in Lithuania. Funding scheme: ERA-LEARN 2020 under Horizon 2020, grant agreement No. S-BIODIVERSA-17-17-1.
  6. 2018 January – 2019 December: Member of the project LINESAM (Lithuanian National Ecosystem Services Assessment and Mapping). Funding scheme: European Social Fund, Measure No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712, grant agreement No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-01-0104.
  7. 2017 December – 2019 December: Postdoctoral project “Analysis of the stakeholder priorities in the assessment of urban ecosystem services demand (Vilnius city case study)”. Funding scheme: Postdoctoral funding call at Research Council of Lithuania, grant agreement No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0108.
  8. 2017 February – 2018 September: Group member in Lithuania of the project ESMERALDA (Enhancing ecoSysteM sERvices mApping for poLicy and Decision mAking). Funding scheme: HORIZON 2020, grant agreement No. 642007.
  9. 2016 September – 2017 April: SEED project “SB WELL - Sustainable tourism for wellbeing in the South Baltic region”. Funding institution: Swedish Institute.
  10. 2015 February – 2017 September: Management committee and WG4 member of the COST Action IS1204: Tourism, Wellbeing and Ecosystem Services (TObeWELL). Funding institution: COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology.
  11. 2009 February – 2012 October: Member of the COST Action IS0802 (TGEG) second Working Group “Multi-level Governance of GEG”. Funding institution: COST European Cooperation in Science and Technology.



2009 February – present: Research fellow of the Earth System Governance Project.


Courses and research visits:

  1. August 21-23, 2023: Research visit at Institute for Earth Observation, Eurac Research, Bolzano, Italy.
  2. June 19-23, 2023: Training course 8th SPLIT (spatial literacy) remote sensing. Professional summer school 2023. Completed: 40 hours. University of Porto – FEUP-SICC, Porto, Portugal.
  3. 7 October - 5 November, 2022: Training course International science communication course. Completed: 25 hours. Course lecturers: Goda Raibytė, Inga Popovaitė (Lithuania), Karl Kruszelnicki (Australia), Micael Dahlen (Sweden), Steven Goldfarb (Switzerland). Lithuanian Journalism Center, Vilnius.
  4. 20 September 2022: Training course Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL). Completed: 3 hours. Course lecturer – Assoc. Prof. Robert Kordts, University of Bergen, Norway.
  5. 3-19 May and 4-5 August, 2022 Participant of the training course Remote sensing and its application for environmental monitoring. Completed: 46 hours. Marine Research Institute, Klaipeda, Lithuania.
  6. 15-19 November, 2021: Participant of the training course Academic Writing and Presentations in English (Fall 2021, Course 5). Completed: 9 hours. Course lecturer – Nicole Gallicchio, Department of Comparative Human Development, University of Chicago.
  7. 14-19 October, 2021: Participant of the training course On campus but still online: An introduction to blended learning for university educators. Completed: 14 hours. Course lecturer – Robert O’Dowd, Associate Professor for Applied Linguistics at the University of León, Spain.
  8. 21 October, 2019: Participant of the Urban InVEST software training on Ecosystem Services Modelling. Hannover, Germany.
  9. May-June, 2019: A visiting scholar at the Department of Geography, Texas State University. Supervisor: prof. Jason P. Julian. San Marcos, Texas, USA.
  10. 8-12 October, 2018: Participant of the 2018 edition of the International Spring University (ISU) course on Ecosystem Services Modelling (using ARIES). Bilbao, Spain.
  11. 25 October, 2012: Participant of the 1st International Interdisciplinary Conference on Social Innovations. MRU, Vilnius.
  12. 18-20 April, 2012: Participant of the 2012 Lund Conference on Earth System Governance. Lund, Sweden.
  13. 22-23 March, 2012: Participant of the 2012 workshop “Governing Sustainability: Global Standards and Certification Schemes in the Natural Resources Sector”. Munich, Germany.
  14. 26-29 September, 2011: Participant of the 2011 SENSE PhD Training School on Earth system governance: the challenge of adaptive governance. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  15. 16-18 June, 2010: Participant of the 2010 conference “Regional Environmental Governance”. Geneva, Switzerland.
  16. 1-31 March, 2010: Visiting Research Fellow at the Institute for Environmental Studies, Vrije University, Amsterdam. Supervisor Dr. Ph. Pattberg.
  17. 2-4 December, 2009: Participant of the 2009 Amsterdam Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  18. 24 November – 2 December, 2009: Participant of the 2009 Marie Curie European PhD Winter School on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
  19. 15 February – 25 May, 2009: Visiting researcher at Gent University, Gent, Belgium. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Jan Orbie.
  20. 14-18 November, 2009: Participant of the international BUP conference on Climate change and Human rights. Gniezno, Poland.