Dr. Justinas Kilpys
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Regional climate change trends;
Downscaling of remote sensing and climate data;
Satellite data applications for ecosystem and land cover monitoring
Links to External Profile
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9998-0824
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Justinas-Kilpys
Project and/or Grant leadership
2019-2020. University Course and Public Lectures on Earth Observations (UniEO, no. 4000126335/18/NL/SC).
Funding: PECS (Plan of European Cooperating State) program by European Space Agency (ESA). Responsibility: Project leader.
2019-2020. Use of SENTINEL-1 SAR polarimetry to determine snow and ice cover indicators (POLIS, No. MSF-LMT-1).
Funding: Science Promotion Fund of Vilnius University.
Responsibility: junior researcher, planning and conducting research activities.
2017-2018. A European network for a harmonized monitoring of snow for the benefit of climate change scenarios, hydrology and numerical weather prediction (COST ES1404).
Funding: European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST)
Responsibility: national coordinator, field measurement activities and reporting
2015-2016. Independent validation of the H‐SAF snow cover products (H10, H12, H31) (H_AVS15_01).
Funding: EUMETSAT H-SAF Visiting Scientist programme
Responsibility: planning and conducting research activities, assessment of results, reporting.
2023-2024. Expert in the national supervisory committee on the "Feasibility study of CO2 collection and storage, hydrogen and other innovative technologies in Lithuanian industrial companies".
2022. Best PhD thesis award in Physical Sciences for dissertation "Determination of snow cover characteristics in flat land areas using remote sensing methods"
Science popularization
Participation in TV and radio programs, press and other media with comments on climate change, weather anomalies and meteorological phenomena.
More than 10 public lectures on climate change, remote sensing (in national science festival "Erdvėlaivis Žemė", Cafe Scientifique and other)