Dr. Vytautas Samalavičius
Links to External Profile
Project and/or Grant leadership
- Principal Investigator of Lithuania Team in international project EAGER: IMPRESS-U: Groundwater Resilience Assessment through Integrated Data Exploration for Ukraine (GRANDE-U) 2024-2026. This project has received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT), agreement No S-IMPRESSU-24-3.
- National Expert in project MIKAS Most Important Karst Aquifer’s Springs 2022-2024 https://mikasproject.org/.
- Participation in the Coordinated Research Project (CPR) F33022 within the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) 2016-2020, intended for Lithuania: “Integrated studies of crustal permeability based on environmental isotopes, noble gas data, and shallow-deep groundwater flow and mass transport modeling in the surrounding area of Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant (NPP)”.