Dr. Albinas Žilinskas
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Organic chemistry, chemistry of natural compounds, food chemistry, organic synthesis, analysis of organic compounds,
photophysical properties of organic compounds.
Project and/or Grant leadership
Supervision of projects and outsourcing :
1. „Synthesis and Investigation of Chiral Frame Structures of 2-Isoxatvistan and 2-Oxadamantane“ (2005,
Registration No. T-05066, Contract No. T-36/05), Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation (LVMS
Foundation), Project Head dr. A.Žilinskas, executors: dr. J.Malinauskiene, E.Orentas, V.Urbanavičienė).
2. „Synthesis and Investigation of Novel Fused Heterocycles with Fused Fragments“ (2014-2019, Resolution of
the Department of Organic Chemistry, Vilnius University, January 24, 2014, Protocol No. 179, Approval of the
Council of the Faculty of Chemistry, Vilnius University, Project Manager A.Žilinskas, executors: Doctor
S.Vishniakova, J.Dirsytė).
Supervision of research groups and / or Postdoctoral Trainees:
2015-2020. Research group of the Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences,
Vilnius University. Theme: "Synthesis and investigation of novel heterocyclic derivatives condensed with
bicyclic and cage frameworks". Research group: Head dr. Albinas Žilinskas, dr.Sigita Višniakova, bachelores
Irina Fiodorova, Martynas Kavaliauskas, Ayse ATES , Robertas Žilinskas, Izolda Bachvalovaitė.
List of project funding applications submitted over the past 5 years:
1. 2015 - Application submitted to the Research Council of Lithuania (LMT) under the project program
"Vegetable raw materials search and application in the synthesis of chiral organic compounds", application
registration no. MIP-15335, supervised by dr. Albinas Žilinskas, executive officers - dr. Jolanta Sereikaitė, dr.
Sigita Vishniakova and researcher Andrei Chirkov.
2. 2018 - Application submitted to the Research Council of Lithuania (LMT) under the 2nd Call for Proposals of
the 8th Call for Proposals of Research Groups of Projects, Synthesis and investigation of non-planar bicyclic
alkanes and aromatic heterocyclic compounds containing nitrogen, application registration number P-MIP-19-
422, Head dr. Albinas Žilinskas, executive officers - dr. Sigita Višniakova, Justina Anulytė, dr. Gytis Sliaužys,
Giedrius Juška.
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
FRAMEWORKS” (Physical Sciences, Chemistry (03 P). Thesis defense date - 2014.06.06.
Teaching Courses
1. Vilnius University, Faculty of Chemistry (from 2017 Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences), Bachelor's
degree in Chemistry and Biochemistry:
(a) Organic Chemistry Parts I and II from 2007 up to now;
b) Chemistry of natural compounds (2004 - 2015);
c) Food Chemistry (from 2016 up to now).
2. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU), Faculty of Fundamental Sciences, Bachelor's degree in
(a) Organic Chemistry (from 2000 up to 2021);
(b) Chemistry of natural compounds (from 2003 up to 2021);
c) Food Chemistry (2018).
Supervision of Students' Thesis
Master’s thesis:
1. Sigita Višniakova, "Synthesis and study of condensed polycyclic phenanthroline derivatives" (2009).
2. Alicia Bandalevich (Bilinska), Synthesis and Investigation of Ionic Liquids Containing a Bicyclic Fragment
3. Kristina Druceikaitė “Synthesis of Quaternary Heterocyclic Ammonium Salts and Their Application to IronEnd Ink Paper” (2014).
4. Justina Dirsytė “Synthesis and study of photophysical properties of 1,8-naphthyridines condensed with
bicyclic moieties” (2014).
Bachelor’s thesis;
1. Irina Fiodorova „Synthesis and photophysical invetigations of ligands containung phenanthroline fragment
and theirs transition metals complexes“ (2016).
2. Matynas Kavaliauskas „Synthesis and photophysical invetigations of 1,10-phenanthroline derivatives and
theirs complexes with Lanthanum“ (2017).
3. Robertas Žilinskas „Synthesis of lanthanide complexes with bicyclic ligands and investigation of their
photophysical properties“ (2018).
4. Izolda Bachvalovaitė „1,10-phenanthroline-5,6-dione Schiff base synthesis and investigation of their
photophysical properties“ (2019).
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
Member of the Vilnius University Biochemistry Bachelor's Program Committee since 2015 still.
Member, Lithuanian Society of Chemists, auditor.
1. PhD student Alma Bočkuvienė. Vilnius University Center for Physical Sciences and Technology. Dissertation
„Polyalkyleneimines, their derivatives and polyamidoamines: synthesis, characterization for gene delivery“
2. PhD student Jūratė Jonikaitė-Švėgždienė. Vilnius University Center for Physical Sciences and Technology.
Dissertation „Anionic molecular brushes: synthesis and click chemistry and investigation“ (2017).
3. PhD student Vaidas Klimkevičius. Vilnius University Center for Physical Sciences and Technology.
Dissertation „Synthesis of cationic random and diblock brush copolymers and their application for stabilization
of titania nanoparticle dispersions“ (2017).
Science popularization
1. Press and Internet:
a) Article in VU magazine SPECTRUM 2016 No. 2 "Do I Have To Be Afraid Of Chemistry In Food"?
b) Interview about metal Hg (mercury), DELFI portal on 19-01 -2019.
c) Interview with DELFI portal about ecological problems after the fire in Alytus 2019-11 -13.
2. Lectures:
Public lecture at Cafe Scientifique's Open Readings 2020 program: "What Organic Compounds Are Shining on
Electronic Device Displays", Vilnius, Genghis Bar, 2020 January 20
3. TV shows.
As of 2015 participated in LRT programs "Special investigation":
(a) on the composition of dry food mixes (2015);
(b) on detoxification patches (2015);
(c) on nuts and dried fruits and their contaminants - salmonella, aflatoxins (11/30/2018);
d) About microplastic particles in a live InfoTV (LNK) broadcast on 22.08.2019.
2018-2020 participated in LRT programs "Consumer Control" and "Ask the Doctor":
(a) dishwashing detergents;
(b) the treatment of fruit and vegetables with various chemical preparations;
(c) the environmental fate and health effects of benzo (a) pyrene;
(d) household chemicals and their interaction with the environment;
(e) Food packaging and processing equipment (eg Teflon pans);
(f) drinking water and acetic acid for household and food industries;
(g) table salt (sodium chloride);
2018 April LNK TV show about fruit and vegetable juices (hosted by Jolanta Svirnelytė).
September 2018 LNK TV show "There is as is" about organic food (hosted by Asta Stašaitytė).
2018 October month. A comment on artificial flowers in a TV3 TV show.
2018 October month. LRT show "Ask the Doctor" about household chemicals.
2019 June TV3 TV commentary on the occurrence and effects of microplastic particles on nature.
2019 Interviews with TV3 television newscasts on ecological problems after the fire in Alytus (12/11/2019);
2019 Interview with TV3 Television Newscast on Silicone Implants (12.12.2019);
2020 Comment - Interview on TV3 TV Newscasts on Wastewater Problems at Kėdainiai Sugar Factory
Nordzucker (5/02/2020);
4. Radio broadcasts:
a) 2018 twice on LRT radio programs "Health", talked about toothpastes (04.04.2018) and hydroponics
b) “Radio of Knowledge” program on food, led by psychotherapist A. Kalugin (2017 and 2018);
c) 2018 October 3 Commentary on 2018 in Lithuanian Radio News Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Other (academic awards, other academic rec