Dr. Laurynas Jukna
Assistant professor
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Remote sensing of physical environment; GIS application for physical envronment research; Physical geography.
Links to External Profile
Project and/or Grant leadership
2023-2024. Vilnius University Science Promotion Fund project "Determination of water level fluctuations in restored wetlands using satellite data and machine learning methods". Position: Head of the project.
2019-2020. PECS project „University Course and Public Lectures on Earth Observations (UniEO)“. Position: Junior researcher. European space agency (ESA) (project number: 4000126335/18/NL/SC)
2015. Analysis and assessment of the slope of the GIS surface area adjacent to the surface of the Lithuanian arable land. Client of scientific study: State Plant Protection Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania, contract No. 19FT-151.
2015. Program of the European Economic Area Financing Mechanism LT02 "Integrated Maritime and Inland Water Management" project "Assessment of Landscape Structural Change in Problem Areas at Local Level". Provider: Lithuanian Geographical Society. Executors: Veteikis, D., Jukna, L., Jankauskaitė. M
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
Supervisor of the post-doctoral Project by Rasa Janušaitė (2024-2026) „Morphologically-controlled rip current detection and mapping on the Lithuanian Baltic Sea nearshore based on optical satellite remote sensing“. Vilnius University, Institute of Geosciences.
Scientific adviser for Rasa Janušaitė Doctoral dissertation: Investigation of Nearshore Sandbar Dynamics Using Remote Sensing Methods (on the Example of the Baltic Sea’s Nearshore in the Curonian Spit)
Teaching Courses
Courses taught for bachelor students:
Earth Geosystems;
Fundamentals of landscape research and Landscape research field practice (a part of field practice);
Remote sensing of the landscape;
Environmental research field practice (a part of landscape field research).
Courses taught for master students:
Application of GIS in spatial surveys.
Supervision of Students' Thesis
During the period of 2015 – 2022, 23 theses of bachelor's and master's students were supervised.
Science popularization
Publications and published interviews in public, popular science and news sources:
Šimanauskienė, R., Linkevičienė, R., Taminskas, J., Kibirkštis, G., Jukna, L. 2018. Čepkelių pelkės subbaseinai ir jų poveikis paviršiaus kaitai. Geologijos akiračiai, Nr. 3
LRT Mokslas ir IT rubrika, 2021.09.09 21:24. Palangos paplūdimys šiuo metu yra ten, kur jo niekada neturėjo būti, – jeigu nenorime atiduoti jo jūrai, smėlį teks pilstyti amžinai. https://www.lrt.lt/naujienos/mokslas-ir-it/11/1492433/palangos-papludimys-siuo-metu-yra-ten-kur-jo-niekada-neturejo-buti-jeigu-nenorime-atiduoti-jo-jurai-smeli-teks-pilstyti-amzinai
https://naujienos.vu.lt/geografijos-studiju-uzkulisiai-keliones-varvancios-lubos-ir-kontrabanda-is baltarusijos/ Geografijos studijų užkulisiai – kelionės, varvančios lubos ir kontrabanda iš Baltarusijos
https://naujienos.vu.lt/palydoviniai-duomenys-ateities-informacija-prieinama-kiekvienam/ Palydoviniai duomenys – ateities informacija, prieinama kiekvienam.