Dr. Darijus Veteikis
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Landscape geography, land use/land cover change, anthropogenic landscape, medical geography
Links to External Profile
Project and/or Grant leadership
Quality assessment of urban public green spaces: ecological value and visit attraction (2021 September – 2023 September). Postdoctoral project. Funding scheme: Postdoctoral funding call at Research Council of Lithuania, grant agreement No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0174 20.
Analysis of the stakeholder priorities in the assessment of urban ecosystem services demand (Vilnius city case study). Funding scheme: Postdoctoral funding call at Research Council of Lithuania, grant agreement No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-02-0108.
Invited Talks
Veteikis D., Skorupskas R., Volungevičius J. (2019). Conceptual Solutions of the Territory Use and Protection in the Comprehensive Plan of the Republic of Lithuania. International scientific conference „Quality of information in decision-making processes in management of rural areas“. Invited speaker. 26th-27th November 2019, Olsztyn, Poland.
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
Laurynas Jukna. 2009-2013. Methodology of quantitative assessment of landscape technogeneity (case of largest Lithuania cities).
Agne Jasinaviciute. Since 2017. Impact of anthropogenic instability to landscape’s function of ecological compensation (on the example of Lithuanian territory).
Giedre Kurmilaviciene. Since 2018. Landscape typology at local scale in the context of rapid anthropogenization.and its application in territorial planning.
Egle Piskinaite. Since 2019. Trajectories of Lithuanian landscape change in the 19th to 21st centuries.
Teaching Courses
Bachelor: Introduction to geographical studies, Landscape geography, Bachelor's seminar
Master: Applied territorial research, Anthroposhere and sustainable development, Master's seminar
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
Vilnius University Senate member (2018-2022 - Chairman of the Senate Science Committee)
Member of Faculty Board (since 2012)
The Master Plan of the Republic of Lithuania, 2017-2022, individual tasks, from the study of the current state (landscape structure condition and changes), concept (territory functional zoning map) to the preparation of a plan of measures for the implementation of the Plan's solutions (parts of biodiversity and landscape).