Dr. Valentina Plaušinaitienė
Professor (Inorganic Chemistry ) (workload:0,5) and Research Professor (Inorganic Chemistry) (workload:0,5)
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Material sciences, solid-state chemistry, advanced functional oxide materials, metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) synthesis, and characterization of thin layers and multilayers.
Project and/or Grant leadership
2017-10/2020-09. Lithuanian Research Council (LRC) funded Scientists' Group project S-MIP-17-110 "Fast magnetoresistive processes in nanostructured manganite film sensors used for monitoring of electromagnetic forming " for 3 years, 2017.10-2020.09, estimated value 119.9 thousand €. Project leader Dr. V. Stankevich. Project partners: VU, TU Dresden, TU Dortmunt. Project leader of VU Group dr. V. Plaušinatienė.
2019-06/2022-03. LRC funded Scientists' Group project S-MIP-19-45 "MOCVD growth and investigations of new generation transparent conducting oxides“ for 3 years, 2019.06-2022.03, estimated value 150 thousand €. Project leader dr. V. Plaušinaitienė.
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
Three PhD students under supervision:
1) Kuprėnaitė, Sabina. PhD thesis topic: “Heterogeneous integration of functional thin films for acoustic and optical devices“. Joint supervision thesis and dual degree program Vilnius University (Lithuania) /University of Franche-Comte (France). PhD Thesis Advisors: Dr. A. Bartašytė (UFC), Dr. T. Baron (UFC), Dr. V. Plaušinaitienė (VU), habil. Dr. A. Abrutis (VU, consultant). Dissertation defense date: 2019.07.25, UFC France.
2) Murauskas, Tomas. PhD thesis topic: “Transparent and Conductive La-Doped Barium Stannate for Optoelectronic Applications: Thin Film Chemical Vapor Deposition “. Dissertation defense date: 2020.12.11, Vilnius University
3) Vagner, Milita. PhD thesis topic: „Growth and investigation of nanostructured manganite films doped with cobalt“. Dissertation defense date: 2022.01.14, Vilnius University.
Teaching Courses
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2012/13, ODO, 1.
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2013/14, ODO, 1.
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2014/15, ODO, 1.
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2015/16, ODO, 1.
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2016/17, ODO, 1.
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2017/18, ODO, 1.
Structure of solids and their research methods, VU, 2021/22, B, 7 - the course was being prepared but not enough students were selected
General chemistry, VU, 2012/2013, B, 1
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2018/19, B, 6
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2019/20, B, 6
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2020/21, B, 6
Inorganic chemistry, VU,2021/22, B, 6
Lab works:
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2012/13, ODO, 1.
General chemistry, VU, 2012/2013, B, 1
Inorganic chemistry II, VU, 2012/13, B, 6
Research methods used in nanotechnology, VU,2013/14, M, 1
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2013/14, ODO, 1.
General chemistry, VU, 2013/2014, B, 1
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2013/14, B, 6
Research methods used in nanotechnology, VU,2014/15, M, 1
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2014/15, ODO, 1.
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2014/15, B, 6
Research methods used in nanotechnology, VU,2015/16, M, 1
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2015/16, ODO, 1.
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2014/15, B, 6
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2016/17, ODO, 1.
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2016/17, B, 6
General and bioorganic chemistry, General chemistry, VU, 2017/18, ODO, 1.
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2017/18, B, 6
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2018/19, B, 6
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2019/20, B, 6
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2020/21, B, 6
Inorganic chemistry, VU, 2021/22, B, 6
Supervision of Students' Thesis
Supervised the preparation of the I cycle thesis:
K. Motiejuitis (2018), E. Rinkevičiūtė (2017), M. Levulis (2016), M. Vagner (2015), T. Murauskas (2014), J. Gabelis (2013), R. Galvelis (2008).
Supervised the preparation of the II cycle thesis:
M. Levulis (2021), K. Motiejuitis (2020), E. Rinkevičiūtė (2019), M. Vagner (2017), T. Murauskas (2016), R. Dirsytė (2006), A. Žukova (2004), S.Pasko (2000).
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
Member of the Nanomaterials Chemistry Study Program Committee
Member of the Doctoral Student Attestation Commission (2018,2019)