PhD Anna Cichon-Pupienis
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Petroleum geology, reservoir rock properties, organic matter, thermal maturity, sedimentary facies, organic facies, reconstructions of depositional environment / conditions during the early Palaeozoic based on geochemical / sedimentological indicators, paleoclimate
Links to External Profile
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
Member of Lithuanian Geological Society
Best Paper 'Petroleum generation potential of the lower Palaeozoic organic matter-rich shales in the central part of the Baltic sedimentary basin' at 2nd Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG) held in Sousse, Tunisia 25-28 November 2019
Science popularization
1. Cichon-Pupienis, A. 2019. Įspūdžiai iš stažuotės Achene – Karolio Didžiojo ir studentų mieste. Geologijos akiračiai, 3-4, 33–34
2. Radzevičius S., Palaitis Ž., Cichoń-Pupienis A., Bitinas J. 2017. 10-osios Baltijos stratigrafų konferencijos atgarsiai iš Švento kryžiaus kalnų (Lenkija). Geologijos akiračiai, 4: 48 – 49