Dr. Viktorija Baranauskienė
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Geography of the population, sparsely populated areas of Lithuania, socio-spatial exclusion, change of network of public service infrastructure, peripheralization and metropolisation studies, regional policy, regional differences.
Invited Talks
Final Project Seminar “The Language of Emigrants “(Vilnius, Lithuania). Prepared report: “The Lithuanian Diaspora and its reflection in the study of the project” (2013 December 17) /together with D. Krupickaitė/ (in Lithuanian)
National conference “The importance of human self-esteem” (Raudondvaris, Lithuania). Read report: “Regional peculiarities of the local identity of the inhabitants of the cities of Lithuania (sociolinguistic research data)” (2013 April 5) /together with D. Krupickaitė/ (in Lithuanian)
International conference “Language, space and identity” (Vilnius, Lithuania). Read report: “Regional pecularities of language use in Lithuanian cities” (2012 November 16) /together with D. Krupickaitė/ (in Lithuanian)
Science popularization
1. Meeting/lecture with the students of Švenčionys Zigmas Žemaitis Gymnasium about the activities of teachers and researchers, in the section "Dialog" (organizer A. Abramovičienė, career teacher of Švenčionios Zigmos Žemaitis Gymnasium). In 2022 February 28.
2. In the “Lithuanian human geography” lectures, there was a discussion about rural community organizations and their influence on local self-government. In 2022 October 26. Online link: https://www.chgf.vu.lt/gkk/gkk-naujienos/2627-lietuvos-visuomenines-geografijos-paskaitose-buvo-placiau-diskutuojama-apie-kaimo-bendruomenines-organizacijas-ir-ju-daroma-itaka-vietos-savivaldai
3. Other “Lithuanian human geography” lectures and seminars. In 2022 September 21. Online link: https://www.chgf.vu.lt/gkk/gkk-naujienos/2524-kitokios-lietuvos-visuomenines-geografijos-paskaitos-ir-seminarai