Dr. Jonas Kiuberis
Phone: +3702193120
Assist. professor
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Application of analytical chemistry methods for the characterization of cultural heritage objects and determination of their chemical composition.
Supervision of Students' Thesis
Simona Mažrimaitė. Investigation of Historical Lead White Pigment Degradation in Art Works (2018)
Ramūnas Musteikis. Investigation and Identification of the Smalt Pigment in Art Works (2018)
Kotryna Čičelytė. Investigation of Fossil Resins of Various Regions by FTIR Spectroscopy and TGA Methods (2019)
Kamilė Chatkevičiūtė. The Analysis of Art Works : the Case of Paper and Ink (2021)
Gabija Sakalauskaitė. Historical Glassware Analysis Using SEM, EDX and XRD Methods (2022)