Dr. Eugenija Rudnickaitė
Phone: +370 5 239 8277
Specialist, dr. in Museum of Geology of VU, geologist
Research Area
Geology, Quaternary geology, carbonates in Quaternary rocks, mineralogy, meteorites, history of geological science, geological heritage, populiarization and promotion of geological science
Project and/or Grant leadership
Joint with Poland "DAINA" 2018-2022. Agreement no. S-LL-18-2. “Ichnological and sedimentological evidence of late glacial and Holocene environmental changes in the eastern part of the European Sand Belt” - executor;
The project "Identification, scientific research and preparation for exhibition of exceptional paleontological finds" co-financed by the funds of the European Union's structural funds, financed according to the 2014-2020 action program of European Union funds' investment action program, priority 1 "Promotion of scientific research, experimental development and innovation" initiative no. 01.2.1-MITA-T-851 "Inočekiai" No. 01.2.1-MITA-T-851-01-0033, 2018-2019 - responsible executor.
Invited Talks
Permanent participant and speaker of the national scientific and practical conference of teachers "Science Education in the General Education School" (invited presentations in recent years).
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
In 2019 - was nominated from Lithuania and elected as a full member of the INHIGEO [International Commission on the History of Geological Sciences] World Commission during the 44th INHIGEO World Symposium in Italy.
Member of the organizing committee of the annual conferences of doctoral students in the field of Geology in Lithuania.
On October 20, 2022, the international conference “Ignacy Domeyko and the intellectual environment of Vilnius at the beginning of the 19th century” took place at Vilnius University. The conference was organized by the Lithuanian section of the International Commission for the History of Geological Sciences (INHIGEO), the Institute of Geosciences of Vilnius University, the Department of Biology, Medicine and Geosciences of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, the Lithuania Society of Ignacy Domeyko and the Lithuanian Association of the History and Philosophy of Science.
A scientific committee was formed for the organization of the conference:
Algimantas Česnulevičius (Vilnius University)
Zenonas Dobkevičius (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)
Algimantas Grigelis (Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)
Aivaras Kareiva (Vilnius University)
Ramūnas Kondratas (The Lithuanian Association of the History and Philosophy of Science)
Birutė Railienė (The Vrublevskj Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences)
Eugenija Rudnickaitė (Vilnius University)
Petras Šinkūnas (Vilnius University)
Edita Sužiedėlienė (Vilnius University)
The conference was devoted to the 220th anniversary of the birth of Ignacy Domeyko - distinguished scientist, world-renowned geologist, mineralogist, ethnologist, a graduate of Vilnius University, active member of the Philomath Society of Vilnius University, participant of the 1831 uprising in Lithuania and Poland, a graduate of the Paris Academy of Mining, professor of the Higher School of Mining in La Serena (Chile), Santiago (Chile) university professor and rector (1867-1883).
Thanks from the Rector of VU in 2003.
Badge of the decade of the Science Festival "Spacecraft Earth" in 2013.
Thanks from the Rector of VU in 2018.
In 2021 - granted the status of an honorary member of the Lithuanian Union of Geologists.
In 2022 - was awarded the "Golden Geologist's Hammer" badge of honor of Lithuanian geologists.
Science popularization
While working at the Museum of Geology of Vilnius University, she is an active popularizer of geological science: she gives lectures (sometimes with practical work) to Lithuanian schools and gymnasiums; The VU Geological Museum organizes annual special events for participation in the European "Night of Museums", "Night of Researchers", regularly participates in the science popularization festival "Spacecraft Earth"; organizes exhibitions, memory afternoons to commemorate the anniversaries of famous geologists; conducts educational sessions for schoolchildren; excursions for students and the public. Special exclusive exhibitions "Mammoth "Goša" from Anžu" (2018); "A gift from a private collector for VU's 440th anniversary - a fossilized remains of a crocodile that lived 15 million years ago was given for display for free" (2019); "In the footsteps of the Vilnius mammoth" (2020-2021); together with artists, exhibitions such as "Intrusion" (2020) are organized in the museum space; "Spread / Emanate" (2021) and others.
In the last 4 years alone, ~35 thousand visitors were told about geology.
Permanent participant and speaker of the national scientific and practical conference of teachers "Science Education in the General Education School" (invited presentations in recent years).
One of the initiators and organizers of the traditional teacher training seminars "Geology and Natural Science Education".
She published articles, parts of books, gave presentations at Lithuanian and international conferences on the history of geological science. She writes for journal "Geologijos Akiračiai".
Compiler of books:
"Stasys Žeiba - military pilot and geologist" (one of the authors) (2008);
"Quarterist Petras Vaitiekūnas: geology - a way of life" (2021).