Dr. Aušra Valiūnienė
Phone: +3705 2193179
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Physical chemistry, electrochemistry, formation of nanostructures, development and study of bioelectrochemical sensors, formation and study of phospholipid membranes on metal oxide surfaces; application of scanning electrochemical microscopy for electroporation, development of electrodes for utilization of harmful substances, application of fast Fourier transform electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for dynamic process studies.
Links to External Profile
Project and/or Grant leadership
2013-2015 Project of EU structural funds “Miniaturized phospholipid biosensors – MiniFOB”.
2020-2023 “Promotion of Centers of Excellence and Innovation and Technology Transfer Centers” program No. 01.2.2-CPVA-K-703, grant No. 01.2.2-CPVA-K-703-03-0010
Development of an optical glucose biosensor based on a layer of cobalt hexacyanoferrate and glucose oxidase. Nr. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0237. (2019-07/2019-08)
Formation of an impedimetric urea sensor based on Berlin Blue. Nr. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-16-0278. (2019-10/2020-04)
Application of scanning electrochemical microscope to electroporation studies of phospholipid membrane models and yeast cells. Nr. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-22-0045. (2020-07/2021-04)
Formation of bioelectrochemical catalase inhibition-based sensor for determination of mercury ions (Hg2+). Nr. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-25-0064. (2021-09/2022-03)
Formation and investigation of electrochemical biosensor for mercury ion (Hg2+). Nr. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-24-0122. (2021-07/2021-08)
Invited Talks
1. A.Valiūnienė. Study on electrochemical oxidation of cyanide using different anode materials. II International Scientific Conference OXYGENALIA 2014. Conference materials. ISBN 978-83-7597-246-7, Poznan, Poland, 2014.
2. Aušra Valiūnienė. Electrochemical oxidation - environmentally friendly way to utilize cyanide solutions. INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE “ECOBALT 2018” Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-27 October 2018.
3. Aušra Valiūnienė, Povilas Virbickas, Gabija Kavaliauskaitė, Arunas Ramanavicius, Analytical Ammonium Ions Sensor Based on Electrochromic Properties of Prussian Blue. 1st International Congress on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Antalya, Turkey, 27-30 March 2019.
4. A. Valiūnienė. Fast Fourier transform electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for monitoring surface modification. Lithuanian chemists conference “Chemistry and Chemical Technology” 2019, Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-27 October 2019.
5. Aušra Valiūnienė, Povilas Virbickas, Gabija Kavaliauskaitė, Margarita Poderyte, Inga Gabriunaite, Fast Fourier transform electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for monitoring surface modification in the process of biosensor formation. 4th International Congress on Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, Turkey, 23-27 March 2022 online.
6. Aušra Valiūnienė. Fast Fourier transform electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for monitoring various dynamic processes in real time. 18th International Conference on Electroanalysis ESEAC2022 Vilnius, Lithuania, 5 - 9 June 2022
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
1. 2015 - 2019 Asta Inesė Rekertaitė. “Formation and characterization of Prussian Blue, polypyrrole and glucose oxidase modified electrodes for amperometric detection of glucose”.
2. 2016 - 2020 Tomas Sabirovas. “Formation and investigation of phospholipid bilayers on metal/metal oxide surfaces”.
3. 2017 - 2021 Inga Gabriūnaitė “Formation and Characterisation of Phospholipid Bilayers on Metal Oxide Surfaces”.
4. 2019 – 2023 Povilas Virbickas “Application of Berlin Blue in Optical and Electrochemical Biological Sensors”.
5. 2021 – 2025 Gabija Kavaliauskaitė „Modification of yeast (Sacchromyces cerevisiae) cells for bioenergetic/bioanalytical applications“.
6. 2021 – 2025 Margarita Poderytė „Modification of living cells by using electrochemical methods.“
Teaching Courses
Physical chemistry (LT).
Applied electrochemistry.
Physical Chemistry (ENG).
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
Member of Council of Faculty of Chemistry and Geosciences of Vilnius University.
Member of the permitting commission of the Environmental Protection Agency of Lithuania.
Review Editor, Frontiers in Chemistry, Electrochemistry.
Guest Editor for the special issue "Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS): Biosensing Applications", Chomosensors
Other activities related to the development of the country's economy, culture and society
Patent applications:
1. A. Ramanavičius, A. Valiūnienė, U. Samukaitė-Bubnienė, P. Virbickas, A. Ramanavičienė, „Berlyno mėlynojo pasluoksnio ant titano pagrindo formavimo metodika ir taikymas gliukozės biologiniuose junginiuose“. LT patent No. 2017 526
2. I. Gabriunaite, A. Valiūnienė, G. Valincius, A. Žilinskas. „Regeneruojamas fosfolipidinis biojutiklis ir būdas jam pagaminti ant silanizuotų oksidų paviršiaus“. LT patent No. 2021 533
3. I. Gabriūnaitė, A. Valiūnienė, G. Valinčius, A. Žilinskas. An application has been registered by the European Patent Office (EPO).“Regenerable phospholipid biosensor and method for its fabrication on the surface of silanized oxides”. 26 May 2022, applications number EP22175635.6