Dr. Aleksej Žarkov
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Main research field: Inorganic, Solid State, Materials and Analytical Chemistry.
Current research interest: Wet chemical synthesis of calcium phosphates, sol-gel synthesis and characterization of multicomponent metal oxide systems.
Links to External Profile
Project and/or Grant leadership
2022 – 2024 Lithuania-Japan Cooperation Project “New calcium phosphates with whitlockite structure for regenerative medicine purposes: advanced synthesis and fabrication of ceramics” (WHITCERAM) (S-LJB-22-1). A. Zarkov – project leader.
2022 – 2024 Post-doctoral fellowship project from Research Council of Lithuania “Flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators based on BaTiO3/PDMS composites” (S-PD-22-90). A. Zarkov – supervisor.
2022 – 2023 Additional practice for students during the semester financed by Research Council of Lithuania (P-ST-22-16). A. Zarkov – supervisor.
2022 – 2022 Additional practice for students during the summer financed by Research Council of Lithuania (P-SV-22-12). A. Zarkov – supervisor.
2021 – 2022 Grant from the Vilnius University Science Promotion Foundation “Synthesis and characterization of new calcium phosphates with whitlockite structure by NMR and EPR methods” (MSF- JM- 5/2021). A. Zarkov – project leader.
2021 – 2022 Additional practice for students during the semester financed by Research Council of Lithuania (09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-25-0012). A. Zarkov – supervisor.
2021 – 2021 Additional practice for students during the summer financed by Research Council of Lithuania (09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-24-0062). A. Zarkov – supervisor.
2020 – 2021 Additional practice for students during the semester financed by Research Council of Lithuania (09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-22-0053). A. Zarkov – supervisor.
2019 – 2020 Additional practice for students during the semester financed by Research Council of Lithuania (09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-16-0157). A. Zarkov – supervisor.
2019 – 2019 Additional practice for students during the summer financed by Research Council of Lithuania (09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-15-0116). A. Zarkov – supervisor.
Invited Talks
1. A. Zarkov. Low-Temperature Synthesis of Ion-Substituted Calcium Phosphates by Dissolution-Precipitation Method. Functional Inorganic Materials: international conference, 6-8 October 2022, Vilnius, Lithuania.
2. A. Zarkov; L. Sinusaite; A. Kizalaite; D. Griesiute; A. Kareiva. Synthesis and phase transformation in calcium phosphates. Advanced materials and technologies: 23rd international conference-school, 23-27 August 2021, Palanga, Lithuania.
3. A. Zarkov, L. Sinušaitė, H. Klipan, A. Kareiva. Synthesis and investigation of tricalcium phosphate polymorphs. NBCM 2020: Nanostructured bioceramic materials: international conference, 1-3 December, 2020, Vilnius, Lithuania.
4. A. Zarkov, A. Stanulis, M. Grigaliunas, A. Kareiva, Chemical solution deposition of functional oxide thin films. 76th international scientific conference of the University of Latvia, 9 February, 2018, Riga, Latvia.
Supervision of Doctoral Students and/or Postdoc Students
1. Darya Meisak. Flexible piezoelectric nanogenerators based on BaTiO3/PDMS composites (2022 – present).
2. S. Pazylbek. Synthesis of nanostructured calcium phosphates for biomedical and environmental applications (2022 – present).
3. A. Kizalaite. Synthesis of ion-substituted calcium phosphates by dissolution-precipitation method (2020 – present).
4. D. Karoblis. Synthesis and investigation of new multiferroic materials (2020 – 2022).
5. R. Karalkeviciene*. Synthesis of bioceramic calcium hydroxyapatite thin films on titanium substrate (2019 – present).
6. L. Sinusaite. Tricalcium phosphate polymorphs: The role of ionic substitutions and processing conditions on phase-selective synthesis and properties (2017–2021).
* – scientific consultant
Teaching Courses
Analytical Chemistry II (lectures, seminars, lab. works), Vilnius University, from 2022. Bachelor students (Chemistry)
Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis (lectures, lab. works), Vilnius University, from 2022. Master and PhD students (Chemistry)
Analytical Toxicology (lectures, seminars, lab. works), Vilnius University, 2018-2021 Bachelor students (Pharmacy)
Analytical Chemistry I (lab. works), Vilnius University, 2017-2021 Bachelor students (Chemistry)
Analytical Chemistry II (lab. works), Vilnius University, 2016-2021 Bachelor students (Chemistry)
Spectroscopic Methods of Analysis (lab. works), Vilnius University, 2016-2020 Master students (Chemistry)
Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry (lab. works), Vilnius University, 2016-2021 Bachelor students (Pharmacy)
General and Analytical Chemistry (lab. works), Vilnius University, 2017-2020 Bachelor students (Public Health)
Supervision of Students' Thesis
Master theses:
Diana Griesiūtė. Phase Transitions in Calcium Phosphates (2021-present).
Hanna Klipan. Low-Temperature Synthesis and Characterization of Magnesium and Manganese Whitlockite (2020-2022).
Žilvinas Kožemekinas. Purification, PEGylation Reaction Optimization and Scale Up of Tumor Necrosis Factor Related Apoptosis Inducing Ligand (2019-2021).
Agnė Kizalaitė. Synthesis of Magnesium and Zinc Whitlockite by Dissolution-Precipitation Process (2018-2020).
Toma Sukurytė. Determination of Chromium in Toothpastes by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (2014-2016).
Simona Kruopytė. Synthesis, Characterization and Analysis of Gadolinium Doped Ceria (2014-2016).
Bachelor theses:
Ernest Butkevič. Phase Conversions of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate in the Presence of Lanthanide Ions under Hydrothermal Conditions. (2022-present).
Erlandas Kabašinskas. Phase Conversions of Amorphous Calcium Phosphate in Molten Salts. (2022-present).
Diana Griesiūtė. Synthesis and Analysis of Copper Whitlockite (2020-2021). (Magna Cum Laude diploma).
Edmundas Puplauskas. Synthesis and Characterization of Zn2+-doped and Zn2+/Fe3+-co-doped beta Tricalcium Phosphate (2018-2019).
Agnė Kizalaitė. Determination of Metals in Adipose Tissue of Obese People by Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (2017-2018).
Matas Grigaliūnas. Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Calcium Pyrophosphate for Removal of Heavy Metals from Water (2017-2018).
Agnė Kazlauskaitė. Determination of Copper in Gastropods by Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (2016-2017).
Participation in the national/international governing bodies, commissions, committees, boards etc.
Evaluation of suitability of doctoral dissertations for defense upon request from doctoral committee of Vilnius University (Natural Sciences, Chemistry):
Dmitrij Busel “Emulsion of epoxy oligomers, their colloid-chemical properties and new fields of their application” (2022).
Akvilė Ežerskytė-Misevičienė “Synthesis, characterization and catalytic activity of calcium hydroxyapatite” (2021).
Ričardas Golubevas “Fabrication and Evaluation of Inorganic-Organic Composites for Bone Tissue Engineering” (2021).
Denis Sokol “Investigation of cation and anion substitution effects on the formation and properties of Mg-Al layered double hydroxides” (2020).
Audrius Zolumskis “Development and validation of chromatography methods for targeted applications” (2020).
Pranas Ušinskas “Target Design of Calcium Hydroxyapatite Thin Films” (2020).
Annual participation in bachelor and master theses defense procedure as a board member.
1. Guest editor for Special Issue “Sol-Gel Technology Applied to Materials Science: Synthesis, Characterization and Applications” of “Materials” (2021 – 2023).
2. Guest editor for Special Issue “Advances in Functional Inorganic Materials Prepared by Wet Chemical Methods (Volume II)” of “Crystals” (2021 – 2022).
3. Guest editor for Special Issue “Advances in Functional Inorganic Materials Prepared by Wet Chemical Methods” of “Crystals” (2020 – 2021).
1. Young Scientist Scholarship of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences (2021).
2. Young Scientist Award of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences for the best research work of the year (2019).
3. World Federation of Scientists National Scholarship (2019).
4. Vilnius University Rector’s Research Award for Young Scientists (2019).
5. Fulbright Scholarship (2018).
Science popularization
• Article/interview about materials for bone regeneration:
• Interview about materials for bone regeneration on “Žinių radijas” radio station:
• Lectures about chemistry and Fulbright Programme for pupils at American Corner of Visaginas Cultural Center (Visaginas, Lithuania, 2022).