Dr. Vaidas Klimkevičius
Assistant/Researcher, Senior Researcher in projects
Scientific Interests, Keywords
Reversible Deactivation Radical Polymerization (Living Radical Polymerization);
Addition-Fragmentation Chain-Transfer polymerization (RAFT);
Synthesis and properties of charge-carrying molecular brushes;
Synthesis and properties of stimuli-responsive polymers;
Synthesis of upconverting nanoparticles;
Surface modification by polymeric nanostructures;
Nanoparticle stabilization and surface chemistry
Links to External Profile
Project and/or Grant leadership
1. 2015–2018 “Multiblock copolymers and their brush derivatives”. Supported by Research Council of Lithuania, Project No. MIP-054/2015, total project value – 99984 EUR, project leader: prof. dr. R. Makuska (dr. V. Klimkevicius principal investigators).
2. 2017–2018 “Synthesis and study of dimethylacrylamide based polymers with desired macromolecular properties”. Financed by the Thermo Fisher Scientific Baltics, Project No. MTS-610000-1656, total project value – 15000 EUR, project leader: prof. dr. R. Makuska (dr.V. Klimkevicius principal investigator).
3. 2018–2019 “Single-cell temporal tracking of epigenetic DNA marks – EpiTrack”. ERC-AdG-2016/742654. Financed by the European Research Council under H2020-EU.1.1. Programme, total project value – 2499875 EUR, project leader: prof. dr. S. Klimasauskas (dr. V. Klimkevicius investigator).
4. 2020 – 2022 Postdoc project “Surface modification and colloidal stabilization of optically active nanoparticles in aqueous media for biomedical applications”. Financed by the Research Council of Lithuania, Project No. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0012, total project value – 66499.55 EUR, supervisor: prof. dr. A. Katelnikovas (dr. V. Klimkevicius principal investigator).
5. 2020–2023 “Perovskite-based quantum-cutting materials and their application for efficient composite solar cells”. Financed by the European Union Structural Funds, Project No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-03-0048, total project value – 687971,45 EUR, project leader dr. V. Gulbinas and project leader at partner institution: prof. dr. A. Katelnikovas (dr. V. Klimkevicius principal implementer.
6. 2022-2024 “Engineering of biocompatible upconverting polymeric-inorganic hybrid nanomaterials”. Financed by the Research Council of Lithuania, Project No. S-MIP-22-68, total project value –149967 EUR, project leader: prof. dr. A. Katelnikovas, dr. V. Klimkevicius principal investigators.
7. 2022-2023 "Biocompatible and Biodegradable Porous Silicon Nanostructures Red Emission Enhancement by Upconverting Nanoparticles" Financed by the German Research Foundation (DFG). Application No. 20220523423710733204. Project leader in Lithuania dr. Vaidas Klimkevicius, in Germany dr. Vladimir Sivakov.
Teaching Courses
Surface Modification by Polymeric Nanostructures;
Polymer Chamistry laboratory Works;
Chemical Technology laboratory works;
Polymer Investigation laboratory works